Tuesday, 31 January 2012
6)It is not recommended to practice in front of mirror. Rather concentrate on how the pose feels, not what it looks like.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
4)Get relaxed before and after yoga to avoid immediate rush into and out of a pose.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
5) Carefully notice if you feel any strain in a pose and stop immediately if it hurts.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
'''''for each and everyone but it is recommended to select poses according to your body endurance, mood and energy level.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Tips to follow when practicing yoga poses:
1) Though most of the yoga poses are designed'''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
1) Though most of the yoga poses are designed'''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Among plenty of health benefits some are:
1) Improved flexibility, enhanced stamina, better mind and body coordination.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
1) Improved flexibility, enhanced stamina, better mind and body coordination.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
''''''''''helps to concentrate better so that you can easily practice pranayama and meditation without distraction. http://goo.gl/KArIl
Yoga helps us to remove the garbage out of our mind and body and works to heal the mind and the body, ''''''''''http://goo.gl/KArIl
'''''''focusing on physiological, structural, psychological, social, spiritual, and environmental factors.http://goo.gl/D38uF
The holistic approach of naturopathy has the ability to cure ordinary and chronic diseases just by '''''''http://goo.gl/D38uF
This technique is based on establishing that connection to awake the self healing system of our body. http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
According to naturopathy, our body has a tendency to establish a proper connection between soul and mind. http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
'''''''''and recovery, and establish a healthy internal and external environment.http://goo.gl/hi9Bx
The physician role is to assist the healing process to discover and remove obstacles to health ''''''''http://goo.gl/hi9Bx
'''''''' all other medical approaches.It states that body has as innate ability to ascertain,maintain,and restore health.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
''''''''to change their lifestyles for a healthy living. The principles of naturopathy are different from ''''''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Naturopathy not only supports the self healing system of our body, but also focuses on guiding individuals ''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
'''''''by the medical community.Naturopathic Medicine is a natural approach to holistic health '''''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
'''living a natural life style. Naturopathy comprises various treatment techniques of varying degrees of acceptance '''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Naturopathy & yoga treatment is based on the fact that freedom from diseases and drugs can only be achieved by ''''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Medicines used in Naturopathy treatment are made of natural herbs,plants,foods,leaves,roots & don't possess side effects.http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
'''''''''inner strength of the body in order to make body strong enough to retract various diseases. http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
'''''and got affected by their side effects. Naturopathy treatment is based of the principle of rediscovering '''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Naturopathy treatment in India is widely popular for those who lose their hope by regular use of allopathic treatments'''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Monday, 30 January 2012
The worsen fact is that even doctors prescription doesn't seems to be effective all the time.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
In todays hectic life and tight work schedule, everybody is prone to several ailments and diseases. http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Sunday, 29 January 2012
'''''from the body and resistance power is increased with the result that the patient gets capable of facing any disease.http://goo.gl/KArIl
By practising Yoga, high blood pressure remains under control. Besides, foreign elements are expelled ''''''''http://goo.gl/KArIl
In the beginning cold waist bath should be given after giving anema with neem water. http://goo.gl/Qce0s
The patients of high blood pressure should reduce the quantity of sodium chloride.If it is taken in greater quantity,''''http://goo.gl/d98uG
'''''''sodium is expelled from the body in greater quantity and consequently heart and kidneys are affected.http://goo.gl/d98uG
High blood pressure can be cured without medicines by nature cure and Yoga therapy.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
This disease can be divided into various catagories such as mild, moderate, severe and malignant high blood pressure. http://goo.gl/D38uF
It is a disease that brings man to the door of death and snatches life. The whole world is scared of it. http://goo.gl/D38uF
''''''''man is increasingly getting afflicted with various diseases and ailments. High blood pressure is one of them. http://goo.gl/D38uF
Because of the blind race of the present age for so called development & progress & accumulation of material things, ''''http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
With passing time, Indian naturopathy gained contour as one of the important health care systems in India, ''''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
This clearly portrays the importance of naturopathy as a trustworthy alternative treatment procedure in ancient India. http://goo.gl/WRqlV
In Indian homes, home remedies have always come before the even doctor`s medicines.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Nature provided all the elements, within the range of the natural foods,which man needed in the way of nutrient/medicine.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Naturopathy as an age old healing method was much in practice in India when drugs and technology were not much in vogue.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Friday, 20 January 2012
EFT quickly realigns the energy meridians relating to negative emotions and memories.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
'''''''' as a likely contributing cause of physical disease and psychological and emotional imbalance.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
EFT incorporates an emotional element in the healing process, addressing unresolved emotional issues '''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
It seeks to realign the body’s energy system without the dis- comfort of needles. http://goo.gl/qyzh9
EFT is a simple tapping procedure that is based on the ancient principles of acupuncture.http://goo.gl/qyzh9
Herbal medicine,nutrition,nutritionalsupplement, flower essence,diet,lifestyle adjustments & Emotional Freedom Technique.http://goo.gl/MT4qu
This is achieved with your cooperation and through the use of a thorough consul- tation and utilisation of '''''''''''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
We strive to find the cause of your condition by understanding the unique makeup & interaction of your body,mind& spirit.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Naturopathy is a holistic system of medicine based on the healing power of nature; http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
The physician must recognize each patient as an individual responding to and shaping his own environment. http://goo.gl/5mf0b
One of a Naturopath's principle goals is to encourage self-responsibility for health. http://goo.gl/5mf0b
Naturopathic Physicians see themselves as facilitators for a patient's healing process. http://goo.gl/5mf0b
6) Doctor as Teacher-Naturopaths educate and teach, in addition to treating their patients. http://goo.gl/5mf0b
For good health to thrive, we must create a strong foundation within the systems of the body.http://goo.gl/5mf0b
Naturopathic Physicians help patients recognize their choices and how those choices affect their health.http://goo.gl/5mf0b
''''''''' is not corrected, and only symptoms are treated, a more serious condition may develop later on.http://goo.gl/uiNLo
Causes originate on many levels, often found in lifestyle, diet, habits, emotions, etc. If the root of a problem '''''''http://goo.gl/uiNLo
Symptoms are a signal that the body is out of balance and are an expression of the body's attempt to heal itself. http://goo.gl/uiNLo
4) Identify and Treat the Cause-Illness does not occur without a cause, and symptoms are not the cause of illness. http://goo.gl/uiNLo
Suppressing of symptoms is avoided,as this interferes with the healing process.Naturopathic medicine empowers individual.http://goo.gl/jaxuP
'''''''therapies that are non-invasive, gentle and safe. Naturopathy focuses on health rather than disease, '''''''http://goo.gl/5mf0b
3) First Do No Harm:Naturopathic Physicians respect the inherent ability of the body to heal itself by using ''''''http://goo.gl/5mf0b
''''''''and viewed as unique, create a whole picture of an individual. Only then can the whole person be treated.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
“Dis-ease” occurs when the body is out of harmony, out of balance. All of these pieces, when integrated ''''''http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
'''''''' is essential to good health.Within the body, the different systems are connected, dynamically balanced. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
''''''''spiritual,environmental,genetic,and social.The harmonious functioning of all aspects of an individual is'''''''''http://goo.gl/NmOt0
2)Treat the Whole Person-Health and disease result from many factors including physical, mental, emotional,'''''''http://goo.gl/NmOt0
''''''''but is a manifestation of the body's attempt to defend and heal itself. The disease is part of the cure.http://goo.gl/k7sF1
This vitality can not only heal, but restore and maintain health. Illness is not caused by external forces, ''''''''http://goo.gl/k7sF1
Principles of Naturopathy
1) The Healing Power of Nature:
The body has the inherent ability to heal itself.http://goo.gl/k7sF1
1) The Healing Power of Nature:
The body has the inherent ability to heal itself.http://goo.gl/k7sF1
Monday, 16 January 2012
''''''''''' recovery and good health will result, spontaneously and illhealth will be prevented.
'''''working with the knowledge that if the right environment and opportunity for self-healing can be created repair,''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Naturopathy recognizes and uses the fact that the body is a self-healing organism, '''''''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
'''''''''rather than just the problems afflicting his/her various organs and systems. http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Quite simply naturopathy is a system which is concerned with the whole person, ''''''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
''''''''which if followed is claimed to prevent much of the illhealth which afflicts modern humans. http://goo.gl/D38uF
These are treatment systems which also offer a basic philosophy for living, '''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
'''''''''and whether or not they are what do they have to offer for you in this era of 'scientific' medicine? http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
Natural medicine, nature cure, naturopathy...are these all the same thing, '''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Hypertension leads to stroke and cardiac failure.Continuous use of hypertensive drugs for prolonged time has sideeffects.http://goo.gl/NmOt0
''''''''' back-to-nature diet, consisting mostly of vegetables, fruits and other high-fibre food, '''''''http://goo.gl/jaxuP
Nature cure or drugless therapy that naturopathy propounds uses an integrated approach to tackle ailments -''''''http://goo.gl/isQe9
But going the naturopathy way may help, according to studies at the Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences.http://goo.gl/isQe9
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
According to naturopathy, diseases are physical manifestations of the body`s attempt '''''''''http://goo.gl/hi9Bx
'''''''''the play of inherent natural defense mechanisms, which are self-curative and self-preventive. http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Nature care presents a strong stance against the chemical prevention of diseases and advocates '''''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
And therein lies the belief in the advantages of the human body living in attunement with her. http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
The main philosophy working behind this medical system is that, left to herself nature can take care of herself.http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Naturopathy, also called nature care, prescribes the `return to nature` formula to all physical ills.http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Monday, 9 January 2012
Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Because of concentration required,daily troubles,both large and small,seem to melt away during time you are doing yoga.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Stress Reduction: Physical activity is good for relieving stress, and this is particularly true of yoga. http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Mental Benefits
Mental Calmness: Yoga asana practice is intensely physical. Concentrating so intently on what '''''''http://goo.gl/D38uF
Mental Calmness: Yoga asana practice is intensely physical. Concentrating so intently on what '''''''http://goo.gl/D38uF
Better Breathing: Most of us breathe very shallowly into the lungs and don't give much thought to how we breathe. http://goo.gl/D38uF
Pain Prevention: Increased flexibility and strength can help prevent the causes of some types of back pain. http://goo.gl/D38uF
Muscle tone:As a by-product of getting strongeryou can expect to see increased muscle tone. http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Some exercises require you to move slowly in and out of poses, which also increases strength. http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
'''''''on one leg (such as in Tree Pose) or supporting yourself with your arms (such as in Downward Facing Dog). http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Strength: Many yoga poses require you to support the weight of your own body in new ways, including balancing '''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
'''''''bringing greater range of motion to muscles and joints.Over time, you can expect to gain '''''http://goo.gl/KArIl
Physical Benefits of Yoga
Flexibility: Stretching your tight body in new ways will help it to become more flexible,'''''http://goo.gl/KArIl
Flexibility: Stretching your tight body in new ways will help it to become more flexible,'''''http://goo.gl/KArIl
But what are the specific health benefits you can expect to enjoy from doing yoga regularly? http://goo.gl/KArIl
You've probably heard that yoga is good for you. Maybe you have tried yoga and discovered that it makes you feel better.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Friday, 6 January 2012
''''''''''''foundations of health; also offers a more economical frame work for the medicine of future generation. http://goo.gl/MT4qu
'''but a firm theoretical basis which is applicable to all the holistic medical care and by giving attention to the '''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
'''''society and environment.Naturopathy provides not only a simple practical approach to the management of diseases,''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Naturopathy is a call to "Return to Nature" and to resort to simple way of living in harmony with the self,''''''''http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
''''''''''''regain health with the help of five great elements of nature – Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether.http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Naturopathy is a system of healing science stimulating the body’s inherent power to '''''''http://goo.gl/MT4qu
Thursday, 5 January 2012
'''''''''nutritional science, naturopathic physical medicine, environmental medicine and homeopathy.http://goo.gl/hi9Bx
A Naturopathic doctor is a doctor who is an expert in complementary medicines such as herbal medicine,''''''''http://goo.gl/hi9Bx
'''''''''''and the least force necessary is used to diagnose and treat an illness.http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
''''''''eliminating or suppressing symptoms.Therapeutic modalities which cause harmful side effects are avoided '''''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
The principles of Naturopathic Medicine focus on identifying and treating the cause of an illness, rather than ''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
''''' the use of therapeutic methods/modalities which address the whole person and the body’s inherent healing abilities.http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
It is a profession of health care which emphasizes prevention, treatment and the promotion of optimal health through ''''http://goo.gl/v2nJ
Naturopathic Medicine is another title for what you may call Alternative or Complementary Medicine.
Monday, 2 January 2012
T.Timings:Maintaining proper timings for taking food
H.Hygiene:Maintaining inner/outer cleanliness of body & environment
H.Hygiene:Maintaining inner/outer cleanliness of body & environment
It can be maintained with conscious self discipline as follows:
Following are the key factors to keep good health:
Following are the key factors to keep good health:
We all may know that “Health is Wealth” and our health is in our hands. How many of us really conscious about it?
As our body is a life time vehicle for us,it is our primary responsibility to keep it in good condition with good health.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
The main concern in health is healing damage caused by injuries and biological attacks.
People want to function as designed, but environmental forces can attack the body or it may have genetic malfunctions.http://goo.gl/D38uF
''''''''freedom from disease or abnormality, and the condition of optimal well-being.http://goo.gl/d98uG
Physical health is the overall condition of a living organism at a given time, the soundness of the body, '''''''http://goo.gl/d98uG
All these three kinds of health are equally important to keep ourselves high valued life on this earth.
considered under mental health and keeping mind in high spirits with control over the senses is called spiritual health.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
The health of all body parts is called physical health, state of mind,thought process,happiness and peace of mind '''''''http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Broadly there are three categories of health namely physical health, mental health and spiritual health. http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Furthermore, scientists have laid these results against the benefits of regular exercise.http://goo.gl/WRqlV
The information on YogaPoses &Benefits are grouped into three categories,physiological,psychological,biochemical effects.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
Substantial research is conducted to look at the Health Benefits of Yoga-from Yoga Postures ,Yoga Breathing &Meditation.http://goo.gl/Pm7sy
''''''''''observations and principles about the mind and body connection which is now being proven by modern medicine.http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is consists of Ancient Theories, '''''''http://goo.gl/v2nJQ
This is one of reasons why people want to start Practicing Yoga-to feel fitter,be more energetic,be happier & peaceful.http://goo.gl/D38uF
It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment. http://goo.gl/WRqlV
Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic.It helps to become more aware of body's posture,alignment & pattern of movement.http://goo.gl/KArIl
''''''''''and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. http://goo.gl/KArIl
Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right yoga kit and tools '''''http://goo.gl/KArIl
Yoga is Good for You Yoga books tell us that Yoga, as we all know, is aimed to unite the mind, the body, and the spirit.http://goo.gl/KArIl
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