Saturday, 31 December 2011
By integrating these principles, naturopathy seeks to stimulate the body`s inherent power to restore ''''''''''
'''''removal of obstructions to the normal functioning of organs/tissues;cures should take a holistic approach to health.
''''''''its internal vitality and intelligence;disease is a manifestation of vital force applying itself to the '''''''
Nature care is primarily based on three principles: The body possesses the power to heal itself through ''''''''
According to naturopathy, diseases are physical manifestations of the body`s attempt ''''''''
It believes in allowing inherent natural defence mechanisms of the body to effect self-cure.
The philosophy of nature care takes strong exception to the use of chemicals to prevent and fight disease.
Naturopathy, also called nature care, prescribes the ‘return to nature’ formula for all physical ills.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Naturopathy believe that all diseases are manifestations of the body's attempt to cleanse itself.
This makes naturopathy a completely drugless and natural therapy."Drugging the body is like whipping an exhausted horse.
Any imbalance of these elements leads to illness. The emphasis, therefore, is on restoring the balance.
''''water to fluids like blood and lymph, air to the breath of life and fire to the body's vitality.
Naturopathy believes that among the five elements, earth corresponds to the solid structure of the bones, ''''''''
Monday, 26 December 2011
Throughout its history, yoga seems to have undergone changes regarding the purpose for which it was practiced.
But the goal of yoga was different when yoga practices came into existence more than three thousand years ago.
Yoga is mainly looked upon as a set of techniques useful for achieving fitness in daily life ''''''''''
Yoga is best known exercise system that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses known as asanas.
To conclude the Naturopathy is the science of holistic health, creating a balance with the nature and a positive living.
It also lays an emphasis on the importance of positive attitude in determining the state of one’s existence.
'''''''''''' foods, herbs, earth, water and air to allow the body to heal itself.
Naturopathy is the multi disciplinary approach, which uses the healing power of natural resources like''''''''''
''''all his routine works in time and insight to analyse the quality & importance of work then only sometime will be ''''
Its regular and incessant practice is essential.Only then it yields fruit.When one develops the habit of doing ''''''''
Only then one may think about yoga practice.Yoga practice is not the process of a day.
First of all, he has to fix up the time of sleeping and getting up, working and resting, walking and eating etc.
If he is habitual to lead, an indisciplined life then first of all he will have to discipline his life style.
Yoga is a disciplined practice. Therefore whosoever wants to adopt Yoga in his life, has to discipline himself.
This article will give a detailed idea on all the naturopathic methods of treatment.
'''''''''Air Cure, Fire and Heat cure, Juice cure, Fasting, Massage, Colour therapy, Accupressure etc.
These treatments are WaterCure where water is used to cure various diseases.other such treatments are Earth Cure, '''''''
There are various methods through which the naturopathy treatments are incurred.
''''''''curing diseases painlessly and without the use of any unnatural or artificial thing.
So naturopathy and yoga plays an important role in this regard and it has enlisted various methods of ''''''''
'''''''''genetic code and hormonal system.This unique system is exposed daily to various external influences.
It looks at each individual as a unique personality with her or his own body chemistry, biological clock, rhythm, '''''''
Naturopathy treats organism as a whole and tries to cure a disease by stimulating & reviving the inner vitality of body.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
'''''''to health and recovery, and by supporting the creation of a healthy internal and external environment.
It is the physician's role to support, facilitate and augment this process by identifying and removing obstacles '''''''
'''''''maintains and restores health.Naturopathic medicine recognizes this healing process to be ordered and intelligent.
The healing power of nature is the inherent self-organizing and healing process of living systems which establishes,'''''
Naturopathic physicians are primary health care practitioners, whose diverse techniques include '''''''''''
Methods used are consistent with these principles and are chosen upon the basis of patient individuality.
These principles are based upon the objective observation of the nature of health and disease, '''''''
Naturopathic medicine is distinguished by the principles which underlie and determine its practice.
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care - an art, science, philosophy '''''''''
Friday, 16 December 2011
'''''''''''of modern civilization that cripple and kill mankind will be controlled and may not occur at all.
Then heart diseases strokes, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, abdominal diseases and other diseases '''''''''
Which bridge the gap and help man gain health from natural resources ensuring a long and high quality life.
In this gloomy situation, there exists a silver lining and that is Naturopathy and Yoga.
Instead of talking advantage of natural resources to acquire a sound health,he has developed a tendency of drifting away.
Good health is Nature gift to man,but man,being preoccupied with a mechanicallife-style,has alienated himself fromNature.
It is a source of happiness as it helps create an atmosphere of amiable interaction with our near and dear ones.
The old adage “A sound mind in a body” underlines the importance of a health body.
'''''''''from within by our own vital process conscientious efforts and self-control or WILL POWER.
Health is not something that can be purchased in a bottle from a drug store, but a condition built over the years '''''''
'''''''''which prevents man from bestowing adequate care and attention even to his minimal personal health needs.
The unbridled growth of industrialization, accentuated by modern science and technology has created a situation, '''''
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Yoga not only gives emphasis to treatment but also on developing all round health including Physical,mental & spiritual.
While Medical science aims to cure the disease but Yoga aims to prevent the disease.
Today Experts from modern medical sciences have analyzed the role that Yoga play to prevent diseases.
''''''''''' that addresses the problems of mind and spirit as well as those of the body.
Yoga gives us the means to complement medical technology with a holistic system of healthcare''''''''
The origin of Yoga can be traced from vedas. Yoga was systematized by Patanjali in Yoga Sutra.
It is a holistic system which addresses the problems and body.Yoga has given India the way to complement medical science.
The roots of Yoga can be traced from Vedas, which is the oldest record of the Indian culture.
''''''''basic requirement for a Naturopath because Psychological complaints may also be caused by Psychological problems.
These are Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Sky. Naturopaths must also be skilled in Psychology as Psychology is the '''''''
So,Naturopathy is a system of stimulating inherent power of body to regain health with the help of five basic elements.
It is believed that human body possesses inherent self healing and self constructing power.
The foundations or the basic tenets on which the naturopathy system of medicine was developed are:''''''
Naturopathy is a holistic system of medicine which has been around since ancient times.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
The mind, body, and environment form a ecological whole that requires them to be ''''''''''''
Even a relatively minor physical ailment affecting one organ system may actually be a clue to larger pathology.
Naturopathic physicians focus on the totality of the human individual they are working with in the course of patientcare.
'''''information sharing with patient, so that they are able to make informed decisions about their health care.
naturopathic physician's primary roles is to educate the patient,means that, to the extent possible and appropriate, ''''
''''''conventional treatment modalities and focuses them around a central goal:'''''''
Modern naturopathic medicine is a progressive medical system that integrates the best elements of traditional and '''''''
Monday, 12 December 2011
Naturopathy and yoga are best options at present scenario to get healthy and long life.
Study (svadhyaya) is in fact an important aspect of many branches and schools of Yoga.
In Yoga, theory and practice, as well as left brain and right brain, go hand in hand so to speak.
In yoga nature is inherited. If yoga is done in the lap of nature, it is more helpful and better results come.
Body is made of 5 elements. Nature helps in balancing these 5 elements.Yoga and Nature go together.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Yoga Promotes an interdependence between mind, body, and spirit. Helps you live the concept of "oneness."
Yoga builds awareness of your body, your feelings, the world around you, the needs of others.
Yoga helps you relax and handle stressful situations more easily. Yoga teaches you how to quiet the mind.
Yoga Creates a toned,flexible & strong body.Improves respiration,energy & vitality.Helps to maintain balanced metabolism.
Yoga is nondenominational.Yoga teaches "right" living in how we deal with ourselves and others.
In yoga, you "surrender" to the pose by letting go of the tension.Yoga becomes part of your spiritual life.
it means you spent the time "fighting" yourself, trying to force yourself into poses.
You should always leave a yoga practice feeling energized, not tired. If you feel tired after yoga,''''''''
Yoga becomes part of your mental life. Yoga teaches you to focus on breathing while you hold the poses.
Your body grows stronger, more toned, and more flexible as you move from one asana-or pose-to the other.
Yoga is an ancient practice that helps create a sense of union in body, mind, and spirit. It brings us balance.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Also due to the physical activities, metabolism rate will increase and thus more fat gets burned due to yoga.
Yoga is proved to be effective in reducing your appetite. As a result you will consume only fewer calories.
Yoga contains a lot of postures which will aid in fat burning and as a result weight management or weight lost.
Your heart and lungs will work more efficiently. The food gets digested and more energy will be released by the body.
Yoga exercise such as pranayama will help in increasing your overall energy level thus making you more active than before
One of the basic yoga techniques is deep breathing which is an excellent stress reliever.
Practicing Yoga will bring more oxygen into the body and our heart rate will become normal.
There are many benefits for yoga if you practice it correctly.Yoga can help you to calm down easily and reduces stress.
Scientists suggest that yoga lowers a blood protein linked to inflammation,stress,arthritis,stroke,heart disease & aging.
Health System study found that yoga decreased pain, increased energy and also helped to decrease depression.
''''''''''''but also compromises the immune system, making it difficult for the body to heal.
When we feel upset, our body releases cortisol — which not only speeds up the heart rate, ''''''''
Approximately 90 percent of all illnesses and diseases have been linked to stress.
Classic breathing exercises & asanas-poses are incorporated in form of yoga,and so are dietary/lifestyle considerations.
''''''that yoga is an individual journey that must be tailored to the unique practitioner’s physical and spiritual needs.
Yoga stems from the Ayurvedic Tradition of Medicine. Unlike other forms of yoga, the Ayurvedic Tradition believes '''''''
Let’s take a look at the physiological, biochemical, hormonal benefits of practicing Yoga and naturopathy.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Practice yoga and take naturopathic medicines for long an healthy life.Bset Saying "yoga for life".
''''''Chromotherapy(treating through use of light and color),chestpack and bodysteaming in addition to naturopathicdiet.
The naturopathic treatments included wet pack and mud pack,enema,hip bath,spinal massage,cold bath,hot foot bath, '''''''
'''''''''Shankha Prakshalan (cleanses the digestive system)and Pranayama (Breath control) and a few other yoga postures.
''''''''''Yoganidra(deep relaxation through Yoga), Sukshma Vyayam (gentle exercises),
The yoga therapies included Kapalbhathi (cleansing of lungs), Jalneti (Cleansing of nasal passage), ''''''''
'''''''''''the relapse that occurs on withdrawal and treatment of drug addiction.
Yoga ,Naturopathy ,Naturopathic medicines are considered to be beneficial in reducing '''''''
Monday, 5 December 2011
''''''''''' to restore itself to health with the help of the five natural elements — earth, air, fire, ether and water.
By integrating these principles, naturopathy seeks to stimulate the body`s inherent power '''''''''
Disease is a manifestation of vital force applyitself to the removal of obstructions to the normal functioning of organs.
1) The body possesses the power to heal itself through its internal vitality and intelligence;
'''''''''''of the body`s attempt to heal itself when it falls out of harmony with its environment.
It believes in allowing inherent natural defence mechanisms of the body to effect self-cure.
The philosophy of nature care or naturopathy takes strong exception to the use of chemicals to prevent and fight disease.
Naturopathy, also called nature care, prescribes the ‘return to nature’ formula for all physical ills.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Hence,adopy naturopathy and yoga with advice from naturopth or alternative therapist for long healthy life.
Professionals and entrepreneurs of all segments now understand the effectiveness of Yoga & Naturopathy.
Yoga & Naturopathy are two of them which are gaining popularity not only in India but across the globe too.
Our traditional healing systems have proved to be the best and effective cure for these life style diseases.
Now more & more people are tending towards the natural and Indian system of healing-Yoga,Naturopathy,Ayurveda,Siddha,etc.
But a ray of hope is now visible in the darkness with the rising awareness about the Indian traditional way of healing.
And ultimately all these afflict your health and your business and people dear to you.
The sharp rise in the incidents of diabetes,BP, paralysis,kidney failure & other related diseases bear testimony to this
Whereas gradually with passing of time, their working efficiency, concentration, support of body tends to weaken.
In fact,always under pressure to meet deadlines of business,entrepreneurs conveniently forget the need of their own body.
But when time is money in the modern day language, nobody takes care of one’s own body, mind and soul.
Pressure to sustain, pressure to lead, pressure to grow, and even pressure to be fit too can cause anxiety.
In this age of hectic activity, stress is one of main causes of lifestyle diseases.
These diseases are very common and hence the modern medicines are not able to give sustainable remedies.
Sedentary lifestyle causes psychosomatic disorders which leads to allergic and metabolic diseases.
In the age of liberalization, privatization and globlisation (LPG) stress and lifestyle related disorders are the '''''''
Yoga along with naturopathy or naturopathic medicine with advice from naturopathic doctor can help a lot.
'''''''''which claims to decrease your butts by this much inches and waist by this much, leading to side effects.
Yoga offers a good solution to this problem. Yoga tones the body in a uniformed manner,unlike any" weight loss program"''
Sometimes after sudden loss of weight the skin sags making one feel worse.The best approach is to lose weight gradually.
''''''''''which are too tedious, which may yield results but which do not keep you that way.
To lose weight, it is important to do so, not just by doing diets, or exercise programs, ''''''''
'''''''''lack of exercise, thyroid problem etc. could be some of the reasons resulting in weight gain.
Stress, wrong food habits (i.e. irregular timings for food, unhealthy (junk) food), ''''''''
These are only a few factors,which have resulted in increasing amount of people with the problem of excess weight/obesity
'''''''' (if they spend some time surely some running around will help burn some calories).
'''''''''prefer T.V. over socializing or even over spending time with their children'''''''
''''''''' when lifestyles have become sedentary, and food more liberal with extra calories.
Friday, 2 December 2011
'''''Emotional personality development and a holistic understanding offers a total approach to the challenges of the day.
'''''towards absolute health and provides immense vigor and vitality.Naturopathy and Yoga,with Physical, Mental and '''''
This drug-less systems guide the body to act against the basic causes of diseases, and bring the body '''''''
'''''''' in preventing diseases and also provides complete cure even to many so-called 'incurable diseases'.
Naturopathy and Yoga are scientifically proved to be the most efficient and effective therapeutic modality'''''''''
If given proper opportunity, Naturopathy along with Yoga are capable of curing and preserving itself.
Naturopathy /Naturopathic medicine affirms that human body requires external help whenever it fails to function normally.
''''''''i.e. toxins, by expelling the unwanted matter from the body for curing the diseases.
''''''''the properties of prakruti or Nature. Naturopathy believes healing power is within body.
The diseases are healing crisis of the body to balance nature. Naturopathy enhances the process by using '''''''
According to Naturopathy, all the diseases are due to the imbalance of the prakrti due to toxins in the body.
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