Tuesday, 30 August 2011
That’s why naturopathic physicians evaluate risk factors, heredity and vulnerability to disease.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Treat the whole person.We each have a unique physical,mental,emotional,genetic,environmental,social & spiritual makeup. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic physicians teach their patients how to eat,exercise,relax&nurture themselves physically&emotionally.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Educate patients. Naturopathic medicine believes that doctors must be educators, as well as physicians.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
We all heal in different ways and the naturopathic physician respects our differences.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
When possible, do not suppress symptoms, which are the body’s efforts to self-heal. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Use low-risk procedures and healing compounds—such as dietary supplements, herbal extracts and ........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic physicians follow three precepts to ensure their patients’ safety::::::::::::::http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic physicians base their practice on six timeless principles founded on medical tradition& scientific evidence.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic physicians base their practice on six timeless principles founded on medical tradition and scientific evidence.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
.........and traditional natural medical approaches to not only treat disease, but to also restore health.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic physicians craft comprehensive treatment plans that blend the best of modern medical science and........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Monday, 29 August 2011
NDs view the patient as a complex, interrelated system (a whole person), not as a clogged artery or a tumor. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
...............natural therapies to enhance their bodies’ ability to ward off and combat disease.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) teach their patients to use diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and cutting edge .............http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief that the human body has an innate healing ability. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Friday, 26 August 2011
At the same time, red onions retain the body's good cholesterol,which helps protect against heart disease.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Scientists have discovered that it helps remove bad cholesterol-which can cause heart attacks and strokes-from the body.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Red onion, commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, could help prevent heart disease. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Saturday, 20 August 2011
It has to be experienced, and each one of us has to find the place within ourselves by ourselves.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
You might not feel the full benefits of meditation in the first few times you practice it.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
.........deeper sleep with enhancement of slow waves and the REM stage. Better sleep reduces stress and vice versa.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Research shows that meditation might help insomnia sufferers fall asleep and achieve a better and ........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
.........of inspiration we need to quiet our mind which thinks about the past and the future not about the here and now.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
when we live in our thinking mind, creativity that comes from spontaneity is diminished. To access that source ........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
To access that source of inspiration we need to quiet our mind which thinks about the past and the future not about the here and now.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
when we live in our thinking mind, creativity that comes from spontaneity is diminished. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Meditation teaches us that not only we are able to control those thoughts; we can learn how to stop them completely.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Practicing meditation give us a few minutes of calm and quiet, a lot of oxygen to replenish tired muscles and.........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Meditation reduces the activation of the sympathetic nervous system which reduces hormone levels,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Stress causes an increase in heart rate, perspiration, breathing rate and narrowing of the arteries.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Physical signs of stress result from the release of the hormones adrenaline,noradrenaline & cortisol & maintaining high levels of it.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
It gives us an opportunity to be by ourselves, without being available to others.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Brain scans were taken 3 times; before the test, after the meditation has been practiced for 8 weeks, and 3 months later.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
,,,,,,,,,,,25 people were asked to learn meditation and 16 others were chosen as a control group.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
In an experiment performed by Balaji Nirogdham Naturopathic Doctor's Team, ,,,,,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
,,,,,,,,it is hard sometimes to stay concentrated and on task. Meditation changes brain waves and activity in the brain.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Concentration: In our fast moving world, with so many audio visual attractions around us,,,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
...........the activity in the left frontal cortex, which is much calmer and happier, showed a dramatic increase.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
,,,,,,,,,,the brain waves in the right frontal cortex, which is where stress is located, have decrease and .........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Recent studies published in the Journal of Neuroscience showed that after 3 months of intensive meditation,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
What is a remarkable thing about this practice (acupressure)is that it does not have any ill effects.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
On the whole, that acupressure is a valuable tool in fighting against chronic pain if you need an alternative method.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
But the second type,Shiatsu, is the most widely spread one. It is considered to be firm and vigorous.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
There are two methods used in acupressure, which are known as Jin Shin and Shiatsu.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
acupressure is resorted to for fighting chronic´ conditions that can be revealed as sinus problems,,,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
It is also very good for blood circulation.we never pay attention to such an important process as blood circulation.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
This enables you to concentrate on important parts of your life, forgetting about pressure. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
One of its major functions is eliminating stress, both in the body and in the mind. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The Acupressure is aimed at restoring an overall harmony and balance and soothes the pain if you feel any.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Acupressure improves blood circulation and gives relief from stress of the muscles.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The difference is that in acupressure the healing process is performed with the help of fingers.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The procedure presupposes pressing withyour fingers in certain positions on the skin that brings about internal treating.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
This practice is very old and was known already in ancient times. It takes its origin in Asia. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Many of these benefits are similar to those of a massage, loosening your muscles and helping you to relax.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Relaxing in water offers one of the best ways to find relief from back pain caused by a back injury or physical labour.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
......and to increase your range of motion while avoiding the side effects associated with pain killers. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Treating back pain with hydrotherapy is a great way to reduce pain and inflammation ..........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
One of the most common medical complaints of all is back pain, and hydrotherapy ..............http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The temperature is one of the major differences between an ordinary swimming pool&a hydrotherapy pool is the temperature,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Yet there isAdditional option,which is a hydrotherapy pool a swimming pool built specifically for therapeutic intentions.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Of course there are hot tubs, spas and whirlpools, regardless if you’re taking a dip in one at a friend’s home...........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Hydrotherapy offers many plus sides and you can take advantage of them with the bathtub in your home.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Whether you step into a hot tub at a high end spa or simply soak in your own bathtub,,,,,,,,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Many people use hydrotherapy every day without thinking but you can also pinpoint a particular problem .........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Using water to relax or to help treat a condition is known as hydrotherapy and offers many benefits.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
If you have made medical treatment but did not work properly, then you can try Balaji Nirogdham .
Alternative treatment through oils massage therapy can be used to treat a wide–range of diseases stress, ........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The last process is paschatkarma therapy which is a step of treatment and detailed explanation of how the treatment .....http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Next do a second phase of therapy is pradhanakarma which is a cleansing of the body of toxins............http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
This process is very important to prepare the body’s disease patients to unload stored toxins in the patient’s body.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Poorvakarma therapy is the process of the earliest in the process of this oil massage therapy.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The way treatment is carried out through three processes therapy namely poorvakarma,pradhanakarma and paschatkarma.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Oil massage therapy treatment is mostly done in kerala, hence the Indians also call it with Kerala Ayurveda...http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
India is a very ancient alternative treatment that is 3000 years ago......http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Alternative Health Treatment through Oil Massage Therapy...........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Keep up withyour daily meditation practice&you will continue tohave remarkable unfortold goodFortune happen in your life.http://goo.gl/5mf0b
......................though is that it never need cost you any money to meditate.http://goo.gl/5mf0b
Perhaps one of the biggest benefits that I haven’t mentioned already................http://goo.gl/jaxuP
# Enhances creative thought process.
# Improves short term memory functions.
# Keeps the mind active, reducing brain age.http://goo.gl/JH32K
# Improves short term memory functions.
# Keeps the mind active, reducing brain age.http://goo.gl/JH32K
Mental Benefits of Meditation
* Heightens sense of focus and concentration.
* Balances the emotional process.
* Heightens sense of focus and concentration.
* Balances the emotional process.
# Enhances energy and vitality.
# Improves the immune system.
# Reduces muscle tension.
# Improves the immune system.
# Reduces muscle tension.
Physical Benefits of Meditation:-Lowers blood pressure.
* Increases the rate of healing..
* Increases the rate of healing..
Even if you are someone who doesn’t believe in the spiritual side of life the physica...........http://goo.gl/isQe9
Meditation provides a number of benefits in many different areas – physical, mental and spiritual.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Errors of refraction long-sightedness, short-sightedness, especially if one is suffering from glaucoma.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The irritation of the eyes is lessened and as well as hemorrahage in one’s eyeballs.
It gets rid of many allergies, skin diseases such as leprosy as well as psoriasis.
# Mud therapy gets rid of the body from stress related problems.
# It provides much relaxation to the eyes.
# It provides much relaxation to the eyes.
# It helps in reducing the skin spots as well as patches of one’s skin, such as pox spots.
# It invigorates one’s skin.
# It invigorates one’s skin.
# It helps in reducing the skin spots as well as patches of one’s skin, such as pox spots.
# It invigorates one’s skin.
# It invigorates one’s skin.
# Mud has of course an exfoliating effect.
# It gets rid of dead skin and refines the skin structure.
# It gets rid of dead skin and refines the skin structure.
# Also proper skin ph is restored.
# Mud therapy also improves acne repair as well as prevention.
# Mud therapy also improves acne repair as well as prevention.
The cold moisturizes the mud and relaxes the pores and helps in improving blood circulation in one’s surface area.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
It is also made use of as beauty product. The mud therapy is also made use for diseases periarthritis,,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Mud therapy as a natural therapy has many benefits, in treating disease as well as ailments and skin problems.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Saturday, 6 August 2011
and vegetable regularly.Save your health from this artificial and chemical foods. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Because these having incredible health benefits,Develop a hobby of having fresh juice of fruits...........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
..........it is not need to avoid them totally just control them and add more fruits and vegetables.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
......... preservatives so your body get difficulties to deals with this chemicals.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
The problem in those food are containing chemicals such as colorants and ...............http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Now a days which are running uncontrollable also effects our food habitat .........................http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
In your fitness level and on your health there must be a dramatic effect of what you eat.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
To stay healthy you need to concentrate at many areas of your health.this area contained exercise,,,,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
and the body vital energy to maintain and heal itself.Naturopathy favors to a minimum use of dose and surgeries.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
naturopathic medicines is an eclectic alternative medical system which gives importance’s to the natural remedies ......http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
and an antioxidant found in the skin of grapes, acai-berries, blueberries, strawberries, noni-berries, goji-berries,,,,http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
What is resveratrol, and where does it come from? Resveratrol is a protein, natural phenol..........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Archive for Mental Health -Resveratrol, a Natural Remedy to Dementia and Heart Disease .http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Ensure that your mouth is kept clean to make your teeth last for a lifetime and to have afresher breath and a nice smile.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Go for a regular checkup at the dentist clinic including the professional cleanings. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
plaque is not thrown off on the daily basis, it can become hard to form tartar that is an ugly yellow build-up. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Always floss daily for discarding plaque present in between the teeth and below the gum line. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
...................that is the main factor responsible for gum disease and tooth decay.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Brush two times daily using any ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste in order to throw away plaque ........http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Basic tips for dental health for teens, which are irrespective of the braces or any orthodontic treatment.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Basic tips for dental health for teens, which are irrespective of the braces or any orthodontic treatment.http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
We are sure all the teenagers want their teeth to look white when they smile or laugh. http://goo.gl/Vpfm8
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
If they are practiced well, there is nothing that can impede the health of the teeth,
Dental health for teens is usually to do with the good oral habits that are induced since the childhood.
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