Thursday, 30 June 2011

,,,,,,,acupuncture, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, ozone therapy, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and/or injection therapies.
Treatments may include dietary supplements, herbal medicine, nutrition, soft tissue work, joint manipulation,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,health history, current health issues, and current medications.
Naturopathic treatment for asthma is individualized based upon a detailed analysis of a physical exam,,,,,,,,,,
and simultaneously restoring the balance of the immune system.
Naturopathic therapies focus on determining which allergens might be triggering the asthmatic condition and............
Naturopathic medicine uses natural therapies to address the underlying cause of the asthma.
Asthma is a life-altering and disabling condition that decreases quality of life.
How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help Asthma?

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Cayenne (high in vitamins A, C, B-Complex)
Ginger (blood cleansing, helps digestive health)
Garlic (powerful antioxidant)
Onions (good source of vitamins A and C, help to drain mucous and loosen phlegm)
Cabbage (blood cleansing, can promote production of antioxidants)
Dark green, leafy vegetables (good source of vitamin A)
Deep yellow and orange vegetables (high in beta-carotene, natural fighter of histamine)
Recommended dietary changes may include drinking plenty of water, and recommending some of the following foods:
,,mind-body therapies such as yoga and meditation, and dietary changes.
Examples of naturopathic treatments for allergies include counseling and education on lifestyle changes,,
Which Naturopathic Medicine Treatments Are Recommended for Allergies?
TowardEnd of the appointment,a management plan is set up to address the patient's general health problems with illness.
TowardEnd of the appointment,a management plan is set up to address the patient's general health problems with illness.
The practitioner may perform examinations,if he or she is a naturopathic physician,order diagnostic screening tests.
The practitioner will interview the patient at length about health history, reasons for the visit, and lifestyle.
A first visit to a naturopathic practitioner is usually an extended appointment.
What Happens at a Naturopathic Treatment Session?

Sunday, 26 June 2011

and herbal medicines to prevent illness, treat disease, and promote well-being.
Naturopathic physician typically combines several types of therapies,including diet,lifestyle changes,vitamins,minerals,
and treatment that takes into account the whole person.
,,,,using therapies that promote the body’s ability to return to a state of balance and heal itself,
Principle ofNaturopathy include usingHealing approaches thatDerive fromNature,encouraging self-responsibility forHealth,
Natural treatments are used to support and improve those functions and to alleviate hay fever symptoms.
From a naturopathic viewpoint, allergies are often associated with weak adrenal, immune, and digestive functions.
Naturopathic medicine is a system of health care that can help alleviate allergy symptoms and improve overall health.
The American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology reports that allergies rank in sixth place of all chronic diseases.
In the United States alone, more than 50 million people suffer from some sort of debilitating allergy.
Naturopathy is a science and art of drugless system of healing for healthy living.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Eat up until you fill your stomach feels satiated not full.
Eat slowly rather than wolfing down your meals as quickly as possible, enjoy your food ,,
Have a tall glass of warm water 5 – 7 minutes before each meal. This has clinically been shown to reduce weight.
,,this way you are distributing you calories through out the day&using them up as opposed to strong the excess&gaining weight unnecessarily.
Smaller meals through out the day. Rather than having 3 large meals, have six small meals through out the day,,,,,
so try having a tall glass of water with a squeeze of some lemon juice instead and a pinch of stevia instead.
,,,,its not related to being hungry, its most likely related to stress or comfort of the mind that you are feeding.
No eating after 8:00pm.-If you are craving all sorts of things even after having a proper dinner,,,,,,
naturopathic tips for weight loss.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Hydrogenated oils raise cholesterol, cause heart disease.
Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, black tea, and Coke does our powerful stimulants that overstress the body.
Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It increases appetite in general and the desire for sweets in particular.
Avoid aspartame, caffeinated beverages, carbonated beverages, fried food, and hydrogenated oils.
Fiber is great as well for keeping the body satiated and helps with weight as well.
Without enough fiber, you’ll experience constipation, which is a contributing factor in many diseases.
prunes,black berries,blueberries are exceptionally high in fiber.Avoid week/oat bran fiber ifYou are gluten intolerant
Roughage is found in plant foods vegetables,fruits, legumes,whole grains,nuts and seeds. Beans, lentils, peas, corn,,,
Get enough fiber. Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Try to eat it between meals or before a meal for better digestion.
Fruit is a great source of fiber better than grains and vegetables.
Have more fruit. The fruit is an ideal source for quick energy, valuable enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and fiber.
and spinach contain the highest level of nutrients, which boosts the immune system against degenerative disease.
Tomatoes and peas protect against prostate cancer, broccoli and cabbage help prevent colon cancer,,,,,, .
Get plenty ofVital vegetables.Vegetables supply carbohydrates forEnergy lots of minerals,enzymes,vitamins&some protein.
Eat organic and fresh food whenever you can.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

It works as preventive and healing/curing measure, enables quick and safe weight loss, reduces high blood pressure,,
Fasting is one of the most effective and natural treatments covering a wide range of disorders.
4. Rest in a quiet, well ventilated, dark room.
2. Hot foot bath and fomentation to neck which relieve congestion of the arteries of the brain.
Headache and Migraine - Treatment
1. Do Kunjal on empty stomach followed by enema, if constipated.
,,,,,,and feet, stomach wash etc. to decongest the brain.
,,,,it would be better to depend on physical measures like bowel elimination, warm applications to nape of the neck ,,,
Naturopathy has a varied approach. Instead of depending upon sedatives, pain killers and tranquillizers,,,,,,
These may reach the arteries of the brain, thus causing alteration in the blood flow.
Improper digestion and accumulation of wastes, result in toxins entering the blood stream.
According to Naturopathy, digestive disturbances play a major role.
It may he associated with nausea and vomiting, disturbances in vision, hearing, speech and sensation.
or heat, food items like cheese, chocolate and coffee, intake of oral contraceptive pills etc. may predispose to an attack.
It may he associated with nausea and vomiting, disturbances in vision, hearing, speech and sensation.
It may he associated with nausea and vomiting, disturbances in vision, hearing, speech and sensation.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,which increases with movement of the head.
The patient experiences an intense throbbing pain, often only on one side of the head,,
Migraine is a common from of headache and is a s of deep lying disturbance.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Compulsory intake of water has to regulated to 6-7 glass per day.
Drinking water one hour prior or after the meals is also good for health.
Sleeping with fully filled stomach invite nightmares and cause abruptness to your sleep.
Exercising yoga is beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia. Sleep only for two hours after your mid-day meals.
Excess sleeping means you are lossing the precious time provided by god for you to live in this beautiful planet.
Early morning is the best suitable time for studying. Concentration we get during the early hours of the day are unmatched.
Decide to sleep for 6 hours. Saving the sleeping hours can be utilised for some productive activities like studying .
Sleeping for more than 8 hr is not good.Even reducing the period from 8 hr. to 6 hrs. won’t do any harm to your health.
Body nature, mentality, and the type of job are the factors that influence sleep.
A six hour sleep is good for some people, some other people won’t be happy even after 10 hours of sleep.
Sleep early , get up early . This is the general rule. How much a man should sleep is not distinct.
What are the Healthy Routine According To Yoga ?

Thursday, 9 June 2011

.....naturopathy provides each patient with a more personalized healthcare plan designed to meet the uniquely individual needs of your body.
While conventional medicine typically takes a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment,,,,.
Team of Balaji Nirogdham Doctors will be happy to provide referrals and will work with your other physicians and .......
.......specialists through an integrated and coordinated health plan for your optimum healing.
Naturopathic medicine is the path to improved health via a holistic approach to your overall wellness.
Naturopathic medicine can clarify&refine aDiagnosis,helping you gain a clearer understanding of what imbalances first brought you to illness
Naturopathy can uncover hidden problems that may be contributing to your illness.
When youAre feeling sick&having difficultyFinding the rightTreatment,naturopathic medicinePlan can be the key toHealing.
...........imbalance and contributing to illness.
,,,Dr. Sharma focuses on the whole person body, mind&spirit to investigate any interactions between systems that are causing .........
Rather than focusing on one physiological area or system that may be producing your symptoms,,,,
At Balaji Nirogdham Dr. Naveen Sharma evaluates all the systems in your body and how each system affects the other.
We believe naturopathy is a comprehensive, adjunctive approach to conventional medicine that collaborates with the medical world,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,leading to improved health and wellness.
Balaji Nirogdham Center believe that naturopathic medicine is more than just a supplement to Western medicine.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Western doctors, in contrast, don’t usually ask these questions.
They may even ask about your relationships, your life history or any stresses that are currently impacting your life.
Naturopathic physicians spend a great deal of time with patients exploring their current lifestyle and diet.
Western doctors understand the causes of disease; naturopathic doctors understand the causes of health.
,,,,,you need to visit someone who understands the causes of health.
if you are interested in knowing how to be healthy &you want to be given a plan that will assist you in your own efforts to become healthy,
it’s an excellent idea to go visit a conventionally-trained physician.
So if you want to go to someone who knows everything that there is to know about disease and disease symptoms,,,,,,,,,
.western doctors are primarily experts in disease, whereas naturopathic physicians are experts in health and wellness.
The first & most obvious difference between naturopathic physicians and classically-trained western doctors is that...
You know Why more people are ditching their MDs and switching to naturopathic physicians.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Savasana is good for those suffering from hypertension.A 15 min.savasana every day isan effectiveCare for hyperTension.
Benefits:-Savasana is helpful in increasing the concentration.
Benefits:-Very effective for those who suffer from insomnia.But has to do a little more yoga for these patients.
Benefits of Savasana:-Very effective for those who suffer from insomnia. But has to do a little more yoga for these patients.
Benefits of Savasana:-Mind&body receives maximum rest with inShort span of time.You won’t get such a rest evenin sleep.
Count the number of inhalation once the count reaches 35 resign from this position. It could be almost 2 minutes by them.
Cautious not to fall in sleep during this asana.
Concentrate only your breathing.
Never apply stress or strain on any part of the body.
Breathe normally..
It is upto your comfort zone.Relax every bit of your body and imagine you are paralysed from head to bottom.
Relax your hands and keep it straight asfar as possible.Palm of your hand should face up.Keep your head straight orslightly tilted sidewards
Lie down on your back. Close your eyes.
Relax your legs and spread it wide..
In the beginning it is 2 minutes and after other asanas it could be performed for anywhere between 5 and 10 minutes.
This is a technique to provide complete rest for your mind and body. Yoga normally begin and ends by savasana.
Lying on your back in a dead pose is called “savasana”.
This follows the meditation. ‘sava’ in sanskrit means dead body.
Savasana – An Ultimate Rest Rendering Yoga Posture.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

This asana also prevent the occurance of hernia.
Diabetic patients sitting in Vajrasana for 10-15 minutes after the food helps the panchreas to produce insulin.
...................and there by strengthens and improves their performance.
Benefits Of Vajrasana:-This exercise improves the blood flow to the abdominal glands and organs..........
Since there are number of yogasanas to be performed sitting in Vajrasana, learn to conduct the asana perfectly..
During the training period try to sit atleast for two minutes breathing normally.Buttocks should rest on the floor between your feet.
Keep the palm of your hands over the knees.
Relax yourselves.
Close in your legs and touch the knees.
Sit straight.
Perform Vajrasana:-Sit down on the yoga matt with your legs streched forward.Now fold back your legs &touch the knees.
This asana is famous in different names like thunderbolt pose , pelvic pose.
Vajra means ‘diamond’, therefore it is also called ‘Diamond Pose’.
Vajrasana is a sanskrit word which comprise of two words, ‘vajra’ and ‘asana’.
Know the magic of YOGA. What is Vajrasana or Pelvic Pose.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

This helps to reduce the fat accumulated around your abdomen.
Trikonasana is comperatively an easy one among other asanas.
,,,hands, legs, shoulders, neck, abdoman, chest and eyes.
Benefits Of Trikonasana:Trikonasana is good for all the internal and external organs of your body, especially your ,,,,
Stand up right taking in your breathe. Repeat the same on your other side of your body.Do this for 5 rounds.
Like this your gaze should remain on your raised fingered.
While doing this your right hand should move up parallel to your left hand.
Slowly bend your body forward to touch the right hind leg with your left hand.
Slowly bend your body forward to touch the right hind leg with your left hand.
Take a deep breath.
Trikonasana-3:-Begin with the initial position as Trikonasana-1,with your raised hands on either side of your body.
Do this exercise for five rounds.The movement on to each sides makes a round.
Concentrate on your training.While looking at the finger tips of your raised finger, you shall be facing up.
returning slowly to the previous state,while Breathing in.NowDo this on your left handSide.Slowly releasing the breath.
returning slowly to the previous state,while Breathing in.NowDo this on your left handSide.Slowly releasing the breath.
Your gaze must be on the raising left finger tips.
Remain in this position for 2 seconds before ........
While doing this your left hand too should move parallel to the right hand.
Take a deep breath now slowly,Now slowly relax your breath & stand the upper part of your body to touch your right heel with the right hand.
,,,,,,,,,,,where you stand with your hand, raised on either side of your body to the shoulder level.
Trikonasana-2:- Begin with a pose mentioned in Trikonasana-1,,,,
Now repeat the process on your right hand side.
Repeat 5 rounds.
Now repeat the process on your right hand side.
Repeat 5 rounds.
Once moved maximum, you must have released your breath completely. Remaining for two seconds in that position return to the former state.
Your gaze shall remain on the finger tips. Head and neck shall turn accordingly.
Hands , head, eyes, neck, chest and shoulder should move in tandem. Feet should remain firm on the ground.
Take a deep breath. After two seconds move the upper part of your body to left while exhaling.
Look straight.
Breath normally twice or thrice, while remaining in this position.
..your hands should be in straight line with each other. Do not relax your elbows.Let the palms of your hands face down.
Raise your hands and keep them parallel to your shoulder on either sides.Keep your fingers straight .......
Place your palm on either side of your thighs. Fingers should remain straight and the palm unfolded.
How to Perform Trikonasana-1:-Stand straight. Spread your legs apart in accordance with your height(2–2 1/2 feet wide).
,,increase the space in chest cavity, open the hips. Here we discuss three types of Trikonasana.
Adding trikonasana to your regular yoga practice helps to strengten the muscles of legs&feet, lengthen&align the spine,
Tri’ means three in sanskrit and ‘kona’ means angle. Trikonasana or triangle pose can do any beginners.
What is Trikonasana Or Triangle Pose ?

Friday, 3 June 2011

Benefits Of Merudhandasanas
Muscles around the abdomen become more relaxed and flexible.
Prevent constipation.
Benefits Of Merudhandasanas
Good for digestive systems. Improves digestion.
Strengthens the abdomen muscles.
Benefits Of Merudhandasanas
Backbone and its related muscles get strengthened.
Stimulates the nerves.
simultaneously in merudhandasana. Perform the training for 5 seats in a row.
Only difference is that instead of lifting each leg seperately in Ardhamerudhandasana, both legs are lifted...
Poorna merudhandasana is identical to ardhamerudhandasana.
However few people may find it difficult to hold their legs up without folding the legs.Few days of practice solves this issue.
While doing yogasanas your eyes should remain open.
This asana is comparatively a simple one.
In the initial stages of training perform for 10 sets in a row. Gradually you may reduce it to 5 sets.
Do the same using your left leg..
While lifting your leg, point your fingers sharply forward.Remain in the position for 3 seconds before returning to the previous position.
Now take a deep breath& hold it.Lift your right leg without bending your knees to a height of approximately 1 1/2 -2 feet from the floor.
3.In this position take 2 to 3 normal breaths.
2.Place your hands on either side of your body with your palms touching the ground. Hands should be unfolded.
1.LieDown on your back on the yoga matt facing either East/North.Foot should be closer toEach other/fingers pointing up.
This is performed in two ways:-
1. Ardha Merudhandasana
2. Poorna Merudhandasana
Since it is done using a simple method for the benefit of backbones, this asana is known as merudhandasana.
What is Merudhandasana:-Backbone is called “merudhandam” in Sanskrit.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Benefits of Badda Padmasana:-Offer flexiblity and strength to shoulder sochets.
Benefits of Badda Padmasana:-Stimulates all organs in the abdominal area and there by increase the efficiency.
Perform this 10 times.
Slowly take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air. Hold your breath for two seconds before breathing out slowly.
If you had leant forward for this asana then after catching your thumb fingers straighten your back and sit straight.
4.Release all your breath and lean forward to make this asana little easy to perform.
3.Now take your left hand through the back and catch the left thumb finger tight.
1.Sit in padmasana posture.2.Take your right hand through the back and catch the thumb of your right leg tight.
Steps to Perform Badda Padmasana.
Baddha Padmasana Or Locked Lotus Pose.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Benefits Of Utkadasana-2 :-This also helps to prevent the occurance of wet dreams..
Benefits Of Utkadasana-2 is good for your legs. Often prescribed for those who suffer from elephentiasis and arthritis.
8.Sitting on an imaginary chair is the concept of this asana.
6.Perform the exercise three times.
6.Breathing in, return back to your previous position. Put your hands down.
5.Remain in this position as long as your balance permits.
4.Thighs should remain parallel to the floor. Take care not to bend your body forward.
3.Slowly lower your body bending your knees.
The palms of your hands should press each other. Hands should remain close to your ears.
(2)While inhaling raise your hands without folding your elbows through either sides and place your hands in the position over your head.
1. Stand up right. Place your hands on either side of your thighs.
Today Discuss How to Perform Utkadasana-2.