Tuesday, 31 May 2011

After few days of training in the above mentioned style, try with your legs spread almost 6 inches from each other.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Benefits Of Utkadasana-1-This asana strengthens the leg joints.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Benefits Of Utkadasana-1-Utkadasana provides good exercise for your abdomen and legs.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasana-1 (6)After that release your breath. Return your heels and hands to normal pose. http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasana-1 (5)After remaining in the pose for 3 seconds slowly raise your body while inhaling to stand up.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasana-1 (5)Place the palm of your hands on the knees.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasana-1 (4)Thighs should touch each other and rest your buttocks between your heels.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
.....and slowly bring down your body to rest your buttock over your raised heels like sitting.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasana-1 (3)While inhaling raise your heels to rest your body on your fingers.Without bending forward,breathing out fold your knees.....
Utkadasana-1 (2)Raise your hands forward without folding your elbows. Fingers should be close but unfolded.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
How to Perform Utkadasana-1 Stand up right with your legs close to each other. Look straight.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasana can be performed in two ways. Let us call them Utkadasan 1 and Utkadasana 2.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
This asana is a good relief for those womens who are suffering from menstrual cramping.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
The pose helps to stimulate the heart, diaphram and strengthen the thighs and helps to stretch the back and spine.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
In this asana we are sitting in an imaginary chair.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Utkadasan or “Chair pose” is a type of standing pose and one of the easy pose in Ashtanga yoga.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
Todays Yoga Asana:-Utkadasana Or Chair Pose.http://goo.gl/ExXPS
HealthTips:-Understand that you have the ability to select the changes in your life and believe you can do it.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Read books that are informative in contents.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Share your illness(if any)with your family.Participate them in your program to reduce cholestrol.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Meet your friends and find time to travel.Listen to some music during the day.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Balance your work and fun time.Find time to spend with your children.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE

Sunday, 29 May 2011

HealthTips:-Laugh is a medicine for good health. Find some time for fun.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Relax all your muscles.Find and allocate time for prayer.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Meditate for atleast 10 minutesa day.StayCalm while concentrating on your breath. Breathe in and out slowly.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Meditate for atleast 10 minutesa day.StayCalm while concentrating on your breath. Breathe in and out slowly.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Involve yourself in atleast 10 minutes of streching exercises.In the office avoid lifts and prefer stairs.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Select an exercise model that suits you and practise yoga daily.Walk for atleast 20 minutes daily.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Control alcohol consumption.Learn to sleep well.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Try to eat along with your family.Stop when you feel your stomach filled.Avoid smoking cigerette.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Avoid chips or snacks while watching. You may eat popcorn instead.While eating concentrate only on food.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Substitute this appetite with a fresh fruit juice.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Control your moods in order to control the food intake. While in depression it is normal to develop a passion for sweets or chocolates.
HealthTips:-Prepare each dish and enjoy the taste while eating.Learn to calculate the nutrient content in your food.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Calculate the amount of fat in your food.Eat your food slowly and enjoy them.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE

Saturday, 28 May 2011

For any Free Consultancy From Our Alternative Therapists / Naturopathic Doctors e-mail us:- info@balajinirogdham.visit:- http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Balaji Nirogdham a Naturopathy and Yoga Centre in Delhi (INDIA).http://ping.fm/Ed7DG
Balaji Nirogdham with an endeavor to provide healthy lifestyle to all health conscious individuals through Naturopathy coupled with Yoga.
Hair growth slows with aging,but adequate nutrition can contribute to maintaining healthy hair growth at any age.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Nut Proteins Help Grow Hair.
Nuts contain protein along with many other healthy nutrients.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Vegetable sources have the added benefit of containing fiber and many vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin A.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Vegetarian sources of protein are found in whole grains, beans, and nuts.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Protein is found in animal sources, such as fish, chicken, pork and turkey.Organic meats/non-farmed fish are advised.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
ProteinDeficiency can lead toHair loss/to dry/brittle hair.Anemia/immune suppression are also symptoms, as isDepression.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Hair loss can also be triggered by prescription drugs such as antibiotics and steroids.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Hormone problems can cause hair loss,as can deficiencies in numerous vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin D or vitamin A.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Hair loss can be caused by a wide variety of other nutritional and medical issues.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
,,,,with weight training may need additional protein in their diets.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
protein deficiency can result from poor absorption. Pregnant women and those who are building muscle ,,,,http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Hair is made up of protein, so a protein deficiency may lead to hair loss.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
You know that Protein deficiency may cause hair loss.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

HealthTips:-Cook the vegetables like cucumber, potatoes and tomatoes with their skin intact.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Wash the vegetables well in running cold water before cutting.Steam or cook the vegetables.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Select food items rich in fiber content,Moderate the intake of sugar and salt.http://goo.gl/0Fmvl
HealthTips:-Never skip any meals. Even if you are fasting make sure you drink juices to compensate the energy loss.http://goo.gl/0Fmvl
HealthTips:-Avoid eating fat fried foods.Limit the consumption of ice creams and other baked products.http://goo.gl/0Fmvl, @BalajNirogdham
HealthTips:-Replace tea and coffe with fresh juices,If possible avoid using soda, coke and health/energy drinks.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Fasting once in a week is good for health.Drink only fresh juices while fasting.Begin with vegetable juice in the morning.
HealthTips:-Avoid refrigerated or frozen foods. Eat foods hot,Eat green vegetables and yellow colored fruits daily.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
HealthTips:-Eat just vegetables in the morning atleast thrice a week. Let lunch be the first heavy meal of he day.http://goo.gl/TGKnI
HealthTips:-Eat green vegetables salad before your mid-day meal,Eat fresh vegetables.http://goo.gl/ZjLhD
HealthTips:-Include atleast two vegetables& a fruit type in your diet,Eat sprouted beans as snacks atleast once in a day.http://goo.gl/urPmC
Tips For Better Health:-Begin your day with a glass of luke warm water,Drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day.http://goo.gl/Ex0zE
Tips For Better Health:-Begin your day with a glass of luke warm water,Drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day.goo.gl/Ex0zE

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Benefits of Badda Padmasana :-Stimulates all organs in the abdominal area and there by increase the efficiency.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
Benefits of Badda Padmasana :-Offer flexiblity and strength to shoulder sochets.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
Perform this 10 times.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
Hold your breath for two seconds before breathing out slowly. Now breath in for 2 seconds.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
(6)Slowly take a deep breath and fill your lungs with air.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
(5)If you had leant forward for this asana then after catching your thumb fingers straighten your back and sit straight.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
You begin with your left hand and there is no hard and fast rule in that.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
(3)Release all your breath&lean forward to make this asana little easy to perform.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
(3)Now take your left hand through the back and catch the left thumb finger tight.
(2)Take your right hand through the back and catch the thumb of your right leg tight.
Baddha Padmasana Or Locked Lotus Pose:-1.Sit in padmasana posture.
Yoga Asanas are very effective to fit for healthy body.

Monday, 23 May 2011

.....& slows down your metabolism,dampens your mood & decreases your cognition.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Lack of sleep increases your blood pressure,induces stress,increases your appetite....http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
,,,,,,,,,,but it is absolutely vital to good health.
http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Sleep is one of the most undervalued elements of our daily routines,,,http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Step 5: Get a good night’s sleep.
http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
and high cholesterol and can place you at increased risk for diabetes.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
.....because the amount of fat around your waistline is directly linked to high blood pressure.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Your waistline is a better measurement of your overall health than your weight........http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Step 4: Focus on your waistline, not your weight. http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
,,,,an increase of the brain hormones that improve mood,reduction of pain & anxiety.@HasyaYoga http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Laughter has also been linked to the healthy function of blood vessels,,,,,@HasyaYoga http://bit.ly/iBgHvy , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Just 15 minutes ofLaughter is aboutEquivalent to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise withRespect to our cardiovascular healthhttp://bit.ly/iBgHvy
Step 3: Laugh out loud. Laughter really is the best medicine. @HasyaYoga India http://bit.ly/iBgHvy ,http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
,,,,improves cognition and prevents memory loss.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy ,http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Physical activity also improves sleep, reduces stress, elevates mood, reduces blood pressure, improves cholesterol,,,,,http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
....can actually reduce the risk of premature death by more than 50 percent.http://bit.ly/iBgHvy ,http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Step 2:Start walking or Yoga.Yoga is the fountain of youth.A simple 20 to 30 minute yoga/walk a few days a week.....http://bit.ly/iBgHvy
Normal blood pressure level is 140/85 or less,total cholesterol levels should beLess than 200,triglycerides less than150http://bit.ly/lQYKtf
Step 1: Know Your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levelshttp://bit.ly/lQYKtf , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
and stroke.Yet, women continue to lag behind in their understanding of this disease.http://bit.ly/lQYKtf , http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
An estimated 58 million Americans are affected by heart disease, including nearly half a million women die every year of heart disease......
Pump Up Your Heart In Five Easy Steps.http://bit.ly/lQYKtf ,http://bit.ly/lhb9Az
Yoga will increase your level of comfort in your own body.http://ping.fm/ttywd
Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. http://ping.fm/ttywd
,,,as you learn not to dwell on past events or anticipate the future.http://ping.fm/ttywd
You are often called upon to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment.http://ping.fm/ttywd
The emphasis yoga places on being in the moment can also help relieve stress,http://ping.fm/ttywd
Because of the concentration required, your daily troubles seem to melt away during the time you are doing yoga.http://ping.fm/ttywd
This provides a much-needed break from your stressors, as well as helping put things into perspective.http://ping.fm/ttywd
Stress Reduction: Physical activity is good for relieving stress, and this is particularly true of yoga.http://ping.fm/ttywd

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, such as watching how you breathe and ...http://ping.fm/ttywd
,,,disengagement from your thoughts, which help calm the mind.http://ping.fm/ttywd
Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing a calmness to the mind.http://ping.fm/ttywd
Mental Calmness:Yoga asana practice is intensely physical.http://ping.fm/ttywd
which has both physical and mental benefits. http://ping.fm/ttywd
Certain types of breath can also help clear the nasal passages and even calm the central nervous system, http://ping.fm/ttywd
,,teach us how to better use our lungs,which benefits the entire body.http://ping.fm/ttywd
Better Breathing:-Yoga breathing exercises, called Pranayama, focus the attention on the breath and ,http://ping.fm/ttywd
Physical Benefits:-Flexibility: Stretching your tight body in new ways will help it to become more flexible,,,,.http://ping.fm/ttywd
,,,,,,bringing greater range of motion to muscles and joints.http://ping.fm/ttywd
specific health benefits you can expect to enjoy from doing yoga regularly.http://ping.fm/ttywd

Friday, 20 May 2011

,,,,Half Squat Pose (Utkatasana Pose),Simple Balancing Pose,Half frog pose (Ardha Bhekasana)http://ping.fm/xmbLM
These asanas brings about flexibility in the joints:-Staff pose(Dandasana),Downward Facing Dog Pose(AdhoMukhaSvanasana)http://ping.fm/xmbLM
Yoga to Relieve Knee Pain.http://ping.fm/xmbLM
The secrets of yoga are inwardness, concentration, and purification of mind and body with cleansing thoughts and food.http://ping.fm/xmbLM
Yoga is a physical discipline; it uses the body and breathing to develop self-awareness and mental clarity.http://ping.fm/xmbLM
The word Yoga comes from Indian philosophy, it literally means union,refers to the union of the individual's soul with the universal.
,,,,especially if you perform them 30 minutes a day, five days per week.http://ping.fm/xmbLM
Rhythmic yoga exercises such as Utkatasana can help you burn fat and lose weight,,,,,,,http://ping.fm/xmbLM
Yoga Exercises to Burn Fat and Lose Weight.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Know about Facilities at Balaji Nirogdham. http://ping.fm/rZsH6
Know about Balaji Nirogdham Treament Centre Gallery.http://ping.fm/RpIvl
Know about which Diseases Treated by Naturopathy.http://ping.fm/QIei7
Know about Health Package.http://ping.fm/hgGs9
Know about Meditation.http://ping.fm/045cE
....be traced to one underlying cause. Often environmental or metabolic toxins or serious stress bring on an illness.http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,occupational dangers,& mental, emotional,spiritual problems.Naturopaths believe that even widely varying symptoms....http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,occupational dangers,& mental, emotional,spiritual problems.Naturopaths believe that even widely varying symptoms....http://ping.fm/VThJS
A naturopath may talk with the patient about the possible causes for an illness poor diet, life stresses, ,,,http://ping.fm/VThJS
Symptoms are actually viewed as the body's natural efforts to heal itself and restore balance.http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,,,but by rooting out the true cause.
Naturopathic physicians often say that diseases must be healed not just by suppressing symptoms,,,,,http://ping.fm/VThJS
Naturopaths consider health to be not just the absence of disease,but complete physical,mental and social well being.
A naturopath provides complete diagnostic and treatment services in such specialties as obstetrics and pediatrics.
,,,soft tissue and spinal manipulation, ultrasound, and therapeutic exercise.
Naturopathic medicine modalities include a variety of healing treatments, such as diet and clinical nutrition,

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

,,,vitamins, minerals, and herbal medicines to prevent illness, treat disease, and promote well-being.http://ping.fm/VThJS
A naturopathic physician typically combines several types of therapies, including diet, lifestyle changes,,,,http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,and treatment that takes into account the whole person.http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,,,using therapies that promote the body’s ability to return to a state of balance and heal itself,,http://ping.fm/VThJS
CentralPrinciples ofNaturopathy include using healing approachesthat derive fromNature,encouraging self-responsibility,http://ping.fm/VThJS
Natural treatments are used to support and improve those functions and to alleviate hay fever symptoms.http://ping.fm/VThJS
From a naturopathic viewpoint, allergies are often associated with weak adrenal, immune, and digestive functions.http://ping.fm/VThJS
How Can Naturopathy Help Relieve Allergies? http://ping.fm/VThJS

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The “prime age” for the condition was once about 40 years, although it now seems to be becoming younger.http://ping.fm/VThJS
Age: Depression appears to occur more commonly among younger people than older people. http://ping.fm/VThJS
orwho are unable to recognize the value of their own life experience, or who have other negative views of themselves http://ping.fm/VThJS
Psychosocial factors: People who tend to lose their tempers easily, who have low self-esteem,,,, http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,,than is someone without that experience. http://ping.fm/VThJS
Previous episode: Anyone who has already had an episode of clinical depression is more likely to have later episodes,,,http://ping.fm/VThJS
Or it could be that hormonal levels in the blood are implicated in the condition.http://ping.fm/VThJS
It may be nothing other than the fact that women are more likely to seek help for emotional problems than are men.http://ping.fm/VThJS
Gender: Women tend to have symptoms of severe depression about twice as often as men.http://ping.fm/VThJS
Heredity: People who have family members with a history of depression are more likely themselves to become depressed.http://ping.fm/VThJS
Some of the risk factors related to depression include:---http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,tend to make him or her more likely to become clinically depressed.http://ping.fm/VThJS
,,practitioners tend to talk about risk factors: those factors in a person’s life that,,http://ping.fm/VThJS
Medical researchers currently do not know the cause(s) of depression. In reviewing the onset of depression,http://ping.fm/VThJS
What Causes Depression? http://ping.fm/VThJS
&herbal supplements,dietary changes,lifestyleModifications,exercise,aromatherapy,acupuncture,massage&relaxation therapy.http://goo.gl/xu0G8
The naturopath, then, tends to focus on the patient’s whole body rather than on a set of symptoms, which is a common allopathic approach.
...the body, and otherwise restore the body to good health.http://goo.gl/xu0G8
procedures that can be used to strengthen the immune system, fight off disease,restore the balance of biochemicals in...http://goo.gl/xu0G8
The naturopath’s job is to discover how the body is not functioning properly and then to find natural products and....http://goo.gl/xu0G8
Naturopathic medicine differs fromAllopathic medicine in that it tends to trust the human body’s ability to heal itself.http://goo.gl/xu0G8
What Is Naturopathic Medicine? http://goo.gl/xu0G8

Monday, 16 May 2011

Follow Balaji Nirogdham at linkedin http://goo.gl/xu0G8
Follow Balaji Nirogdham at twitter http://goo.gl/zOCBU
Follow Balaji Nirogdham's blog http://ping.fm/paH7s
Follow Balaji Nirogdham at Face Book.http://ping.fm/828Fc
To keep safe from any of the trouble the only way is Yoga.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Those who are young will not get any effect at the moment but the results will be bad in their old age. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
The major causes of such problem is lacking of exercise. We are not doing any work out to keep ourselves fit.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Our surrounding is totally polluted today and many people are suffering from various diseases.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Everymorning before breakfast use one Table spoon
regularly.Your blockage of Vein's will open.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
After cooling, mix 3 cups of natural honey
andkeep it in bottle. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
http://goo.gl/g0r4B Mixall above and boil in light flame approximately half hour,when it becomes 3 cups,take it out and keep it for cooling.
1)Lemon juice 01 cup
2)Ginger juice 01 cup
3)Garlic juice 01 cup
4)Apple vinegar 01 cup http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Natural therapy for heart vain opening . http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Dry skin and dry mucosa (the lining of your mouth and eyes). http://goo.gl/g0r4B
About 200 gm(a big bowlful)is adequate.The part near the seeds is the richest in nutrients,so it should not be discarded.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Vitamin A has an antioxidant effect; it protects your skin from damage and keeps it young. It is also known to decrease the risk of cancer.
Benifits of Papayas:Delicious, low-calorie fruit is not just a dieter's delight; it comes packed with carotenoids that release Vitamin A.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Choose fresh fruit instead of fruit juices. Fruit juices contain a lot of sugar to sweeten them up.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Eat spinach (palak) regularly to stabilize your blood sugar and prevent it from fluctuating too much.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Wash your feet daily with mild soap & lukewarm water to protect them. Dry your feet well, especially between your toes.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Keep track of your sugars and contact the doctor if your values are off track.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
...Keep hydrated, as dehydration can artificially elevate your blood sugar Avoid caffeine and alcohol.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :-Monitor your sugar levels more frequently Notify your doctor that you are ill,even it is just "a cold"....http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :- If you are over the age of 55 and/or at risk of a heart attack or stroke, take an ACE inhibitor.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :- Keep your blood pressure no higher than 130/80.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :- Maintain excellent blood glucose levels.Keep your LDL cholesterol under 2.0.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :-Opt for regular Yoga/ Exercise.Achieve and maintain a proper weight.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :-Drink lots of water,Don't smoke and don't drink excess alcohol.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :-Choose whole grains.Include healthy oils in your menus.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
HEALTH TIPS :-To Reduce Fat from Hips and Thighs Eat healthy.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Eat oats regularly to boost your immune system's response to bacterial infections.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Swing your arms while walking. You can burn up to 5 to 10 percent more calories by doing this.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It will make you feel more awakehttp://goo.gl/g0r4B
When you wake up, open your curtains to let the sunlight in or take a trip outside to catch some rays. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
...............mild dehydration can slow your metabolism.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Drink water regularly to help in your weight loss efforts as some studies suggest that even ..............http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Health Tips to Control Diabetes,Diet for Diabetic Patients.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
During massage bloodFlow toThe muscles will increase to aGreater intensity thereby improving all the function of muscles&strengthening them
Muscular system is greatly influenced by massage therapy.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Massage having its effect on all the system of body like blood circulation, glandular system. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Massage also called as manipulate therapy where manipulation all Body part by giving different type of movement.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
do not forget that it time&yet again might only bestow shorterLived launch from signs/symptomsInstead of lasting change.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Strongly advise therapeutic restorative massage and urge you to undoubtedly have one particular whenever you are able to,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Massage may decrease head ache regularity, alleviate joint disease discomfort and reduce blood strain stage.
,,,decrease the signs of carpal tunnel signs or symptoms and relieve put up-operative discomfort.
Past studies have found that massage can relieve chronic back again ache,
Therapeutic massage has even been located productive to your discomfort reduction and pressure as being a result of cancer.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Lets Know More about Healthy Massage:-Healthy Massage therapy may be incredibly calming http://goo.gl/g0r4B

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

,,,structural, psychological, social, spiritual, and environmental factors.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
The holistic approach of naturopathy has the ability to cure ordinary&Chronic diseases just by focusing on physiological,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
This technique is based on establishing that connection to awake the self healing system of our body.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
According to naturopathy, our body has a tendency to establish a proper connection between soul and mind.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,,,and establish a healthy internal and external environment.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
The physician role is to assist the healing process to discover and remove obstacles to health and recovery,,,,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It states that body has as innate ability to ascertain, maintain, and restore health.
The principles of naturopathy are different from all other medical approaches.
, but also focuses on guiding individuals to change their lifestyles for a healthy living.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathy not only supports the self healing system of our body,,,,,,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic Medicine is a natural approach to holistic health&healing that recognizes the integrity of the whole person.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathy comprises various treatment techniques of varying degrees of acceptance by the medical community.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
......and drugs can only be achieved by living a natural life style.
Naturopathy & yoga treatment in India is based on the fact that freedom from diseases......
According to a survey, globally, 76% of drugs are consumed by USA and European countries.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

.....leaves, and roots and don't possess any side effects.
The medicines used in Naturopathy treatment are made of natural herbs, plants, foods, .....
Naturopathy treatment is based of the principle of rediscovering inner strength of the .........http://goo.gl/g0r4B
.......body in order to make body strong enough to retract various diseases.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
NaturopathyTreatment is widelyPopular for those who lose their hope byregular use ofAllopathic treatments&got affected bytheir side effects.
The worsen fact is that even doctor's prescription doesn't seems to be effective all the time.
In today's hectic life and tight work schedule, everybody is prone to several ailments and diseases.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Yogasana-bhujangasana,salabhasana,dhanurasana, vipritakarni,paschimotasana,Pranayam-nadi shodhan,surya anulomviolom.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Yoga therapy-Knee tightening,Passive knee cap movement (up & down, in and out, rotation),Straight leg raising.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Physiotherapy-Short wave diathermy,Tense,Ultrasound,Wax application. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Hydrotherapy-Hot and cold compress on the joints,Hot immersion bath,Hot mud application with Epsom salt on the joint http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,acupuncture, physiotherapy, manipulative therapy, yoga therapy,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Various therapies are beneficial in improving joint mobility and reducing pain in joint like
Naturopathic Management of osteoarthritis http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,Pentothenic acid-12.5 mg/day,Zinc- 45mg /day,Cooper-1mg /day,Boron -6mg/day. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Daily requirement of Vitamins and minerals’ –A- 5,000 IU/day,E -600 IU/day,C-1,000 to 3,000mg /day,B6-50mg/day,,,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Causes of Osteoarthritis-Genetic,Congenital,Over body weight,Poor nutrition,Lac of physical work.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Causes of Osteoarthritis-Genetic,Congenital,Over body weight,Poor nutrition,Lac of physical workh.ttp://goo.gl/g0r4B
Symptoms Osteoarthritis-Tenderness of joints,Swelling&Inflamation,Criptationinjoints,Loss of mobility,Morning stiffness.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
There is 35% incidence in the knee as early age of 30 year.In India approximately 4 people are affected out of 100.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Osteoarthritis:Degenerative joint disease is characterised by joint degeneration, loss of cartilage, &late action of the sub chondral bone.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

,,,dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, exercise, aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage, and relaxation therapy.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopaths are willing to make use of a wide range of techniques in treating a patient, including nutritional and herbal supplements,,,,
The naturopath then, tends to focus on the patient’s whole body rather than on a set of symptoms, which is a common allopathic approach.
..strengthen the immune system,fight off disease,restore the balance of biochemicals in the body,otherwise restore the body to good health.
The naturopath’s job is to discover how the body is not functioning properly&then to find natural products&procedures that can be used to..
Naturopathic medicine differs from allopathic (conventional) medicine in that it tends to trust the human body’s ability to heal itself.
Exercise increases the production of endorphins inthe body,compounds that have a strong and direct effect on one’s mood.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Physical exercise is also generally regarded as a useful approach to the treatment of depression.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,foods such as whole grains, organic dairy products, nuts, seeds, fruits, and leafy green vegetables. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,foods such as whole grains, organic dairy products, nuts, seeds, fruits, and leafy green vegetables.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
These supplements can be taken in pill form or by increasing the amount of certain foods that are rich in them,,, http://goo.gl/g0r4B
...vitamin C, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and selenium.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic treatment in such cases consists of nutritional supplements,especially the Bvitamins(thiamine,riboflavin...http://goo.gl/g0r4B
A common cause of depression is lack of adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in one’s diet. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
A naturopath may ask a patient to keep a log of his or her food intake to see if diet is a possible cause of depression. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Some individuals are allergic to certain foods—gluten, for example—that may cause symptoms of depression. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
an excess of any one of these foods can produce an imbalance in body chemistry, which may manifest as depression. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
the intake of too much of some foods and too little of others. Although the body requires sugars, starches, and fats, http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Those causes differ from person to person, so treatments may vary also. A common cause of depression is one’s diet:http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Meditation, Nutrition and physical activities are all becoming part of the solution.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic solutions to Anxiety and depression?
Remember, the body is like a machine: without adequate tools your body and immune system will not function properly.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
:Detoxify blood and remove toxins from the body:Build and maintain a strong immune response.
:Manufacture enzymes, hormones, and other important substances:Build, repair, and restore tissue function
Variety in a naturopathic diet provides the body with vitamins, minerals,water, all of which are vital to the overall function of the body.
::: Raw vegetables, not canned:::Organically grown without pesticides and chemicals:::Grown in soils rich in nutrients:http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic Diet and the Forces of Nature means eating foods that are as close to nature as possible:::::http://goo.gl/g0r4B
This means foods that are minimally processed or refined, without artificial ingredients, preservatives,other chemical additives.
A naturopath will recommend foods that are fresh and as close to nature as possible.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
The most important aspect of naturopathy is your naturopathic diet.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
he most important aspect of naturopathy is your naturopathic diet.http://goo.gl/g0r4B

Saturday, 7 May 2011

The patient is often told to amend his or her diet and lifestyle.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
...should do to make a safe return back to help without treating the symptoms immediately, especially pain relief.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Once the naturopathic physician identifies a patient's underlying causes of illness, he or she then advises the patient as to what he or she
....nutrition while specializing in one or more other therapeutic methods.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic physicians are all trained in the basic tools of natural therapeutics, and most work with diet .........http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It accomplishes this by locating the underlying causes of disease.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
However, its main focus is in preventing diseases before they occur, rather than actually treating them.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathy focuses on healing the person, not the disease.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It does not utilize any major surgery or the use of synthetic drugs at all.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic treatment works with the person's vital force,his body's ability to fend off diseases/ illnesses by itself,without intervention
Naturopathic medicine grew out of the alternative healing movement of the 18th and 19th centuries.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
.....dealing with either an invader or some sort of dysfuction or imbalance.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Fever and inflammation are regarded as the offshoot of the body's immune system reacting to and........ http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Disease is seen as a manifestation of the natural causes by which the body heals itself.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It is an art, science, philosophy, and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventng disease.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic med.emphasizes the treatment of disease through the stimulation,enhancement,support of inherent healing capacity of the person
6. Prevention is the best "cure." Naturopathic physicians are preventive medicine specialists. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
5. The physician is a teacher. The doctor-patient relationship has a therapeutic value. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathic medicine recognizes the integrity of the whole person instead of just single organ systems or particular symptoms.
4. Treat the whole person while keeping in mind the interaction of his or her physical, mental, and emotional factors in causing disease.
The onset of symptoms is considered a natural fixture of the healing process. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
....therefore, they are to be avoided or minimized.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
............designed to suppress symptoms without removing their underlying causes are considered harmful; http://goo.gl/g0r4B
2. A naturopathic practitioner must identify and treat the cause rather than the effect. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
1. The healing power of nature and of the body to maintain and restore health is well-respected.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
3. First, a practitioner must do no harm to the patient. It is the belief of naturopathic medicine that methods........ http://goo.gl/g0r4B
The age-old philosophy of naturopathic medicine is built around six important principles which have their roots in Indian (Ayurveda),,,,,,,,
,,,Chinese (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Native American, and Greek (Hippocratic) culture.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
This is a verysafe,natural therapy which utilizesThe services ofSeveral different alternative medicine techniques toHeal prospectivePatients
Naturopathic medicine treats health conditions by utilizing the body's inherent ability to heal.http://goo.gl/g0r4B

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Acupressure is very safe & Natural method with no side effect. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,,legs, face & different body parts.
These points are called as reflex center. Reflex center become highly sensitive in diseased condition.
By giving presser on these center, energy released which will fight for the disease & there by releasing the symptoms.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Acupressure is a system of treating body ailment by giving pressure on specific point present on hands,,,,
Thiswill reduceBody temperature,increase elimination,activate skin function.GivenInCaseOfObesity,toxicity,bodyache,fever.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Full wet sheet pack:- Full body is covered with cotton cloth wet with cold water, which will covered by woolen blanket.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
....suffocation &skin imitation so it should be avoided in weak people, old age and patient suffering from heart disease.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Sauna bath has got some effect as steam only the difference is in Sauna bath dry heat is passed which may cause......... http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,,,increase blood circulation, open up the skin pores them by helping in elimination of toxins. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Steam bath:- Here moist heat is passed to all body parts stimulating glandular activity,,,,, http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,,,,whole of the body congestion, helpful in case of headache, Asthma sinusitis, migraine. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Arms & foot bath:- In this treatment arms & feet are placed inside the water Varying temperature,,,,,,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
This will stimulate Nervous system effective in case of Nervous irritability hemiplegia, Neurasthenia, back pain etc.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Patient while lying down on his back in such a way that waterwill spread out on whole of his spine with amountof pressurehttp://goo.gl/g0r4B
Spinal Spray:- In this bath tub has got an metal rode provided with small pores in It.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It gives pure water supply to all body part relief congestion.
This force of water gives pressure to different body parts and there by increasing therapeutic effect of water.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
In Jacuzzi tub different points are made from when water will thrown out with force inside the tub. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Jacuzzi:-This also same type of treatment as immersion bath only the difference is made by pressure forced inside the water during bath.
Thistype of treatment increase blood circulation allover thebody&enhance activity thereby helping in elimination ofToxinshttp://goo.gl/g0r4B
This gives fast relief in painful condition. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Effect obtained by Immersion bath can be modified by giving friction during the bath or by adding some salts having analgesic effect.
Immersion Bath-In this type ofHydrotherapic treatment whole body isImmersed inside the water with head remaining outsidehttp://goo.gl/g0r4B
(2)Spinal bath tub is designed in a such a way that water comes in Contact with whole spine&its surrounding area.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,,it influence all the abdominal organs, helpful in coming all the ailment related to digestive system eg:- Indigestion, Constipation,etc.
Hip Bath:- Person made to sit in a small tub filled with water where whole abdomen comes in contact with water,,,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Effects obtained by water are stimulant, sedative, Tonic diuretic, emetic, antipyretic, expectorant, antispasmodic etc.http://goo.gl/g0r4B

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Effects obtained by water are stimulant, sedative, Tonic diuretic, emetic, antipyretic, expectorant, antispasmodic etc. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
So there is no life without water. When water is applied on body it acts in many ways because of its Therapeutic effectshttp://goo.gl/g0r4B
70% part of human body is made up of water,it is present in the form of blood & other body fluids. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Hydrotherapy :- Water has got many therapeutic qualities, so it is used for Therapeutic Purpose. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Hydrotherapy :- Water has got many therapeutic qualities, so it is used for Therapeutic Purpose. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
7. Be Motivated!The best way to keep the energy levels of trainees is to allow a healthy competition,allow them to have a sense of control.
6. Be flexible and perform a variety of exercises. Every exercise program should have a variety.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
5. Perform a set of exercises in 10 repetitions. Every number that was accomplished is called a repetition.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
4. Be systematic on working on your muscles. Your muscles should be working harder over time. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
3. Exercises should work on the parts of your body where muscles are. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
2. Set realistic targets. Wouldn't you be frustrated if you set your mind into reshaping your body in month? http://goo.gl/g0r4B
If the fitness program is not for you, it will only be a cause of frustration and injuries. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Always consult a qualified trainer to make sure that the fitness program will not hurt you. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
1. Get a program that will best suit you.If You may have surgical history where this program may not be suited for you. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Seven top tips on how to become an effective fitness woman: http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Would you like to be a fitness woman?Or are you a fitness woman but would like to be effective? http://goo.gl/g0r4B

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Immune Enhancing:- Where by body resistance to disease is strengthened. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Homeostatic or Regulatory effect:- Adjustment of internal environment of body towards a state of normal balance. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Sedation:- These effect utilized in the treatment of Insomnia, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy & mental disorder. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Analgesic:- Pain relieving, Achieved by raising pain threshold helpful in case of arthritis, headache, low backache. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Effects obtained through Acupuncture are:- Analgesic,Sedation,Homeostatic or Regulatory effect,Immune Enhancing.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
where different types of needles are used to penetrate the specific point present all over the body".http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Where Aces " Needle Puncture " To penetrate "Acupuncture is a system of medicine,,,,.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Acupuncture is one of most ancient therapeutic techniques of Chinese medicine.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Fasting can be done once in a week to keep body happy & healthy.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Fasting helps in rejuvenation of all body cells & tissues.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
....elimination of toxin which is said to be root cause of abnormal healthy condition.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
During fasting period energy which will be used for digestion of food diverted towards..... http://goo.gl/g0r4B
During fasting period energy which will be used for digestion of food diverted towards..... http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Fasting works in all diseased condition of body & mind.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Adopt Naturopathy & Yoga before it’s too late...
Fasting Therapy:-"Langhnam Param Aushdham "
As it mean "Fasting is a great medicine."
Avoid :-Dairy product,fried foods,deep fry dishes, non-vegetarian items,spice & junk food like bakery items and other variety of fast food.
Natural Diet :- Food Intake should comprise of Cereals, pulses, grains, raw & boiled vegetables, sprouts, fruits/vegetables juices.
A balanced diet should contain all type of carbohydrate,Protein,Vitamins & minerals,lacking any of these may lead to health related problems
99% caused of disease is present our diet so to be healthy one should take balanced diet. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
To do any kind of work we require energy which will be provided by our diet we consumed. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Diet Therapy:-Diet play an important role in our life. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Analgesic effect of massage useful in treating painful disorders like Neuralgic,Arthritis headache lumbar spondylosis Cervical,myalgia etc.
,thereby enhancing functional activity of skin. Numerous variety of herbal & aromatic oil used for massage.http://ping.fm/csLfX
It isFound that when massage is given Red blood cell Count isincrease in superficial blood vessel,this shows oxygenated blood supply forSkin
During massage blood flow to the muscles will increase to Greater intensity thereby improving all the function of muscles/strengthening them
Muscular system is greatly influenced by massage therapy. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Massage having its effect on all the system of body like blood circulation, glandular system. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Massage therapy:-Massage also called as manipulate therapy where manipulation all Body part by giving different type of movement.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Naturopathy teaches us how we should live, what we should eat and how our daily routine should be. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Naturopathy is a science and art of drugless system of healing for healthy living. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
During fever if mud is applied to the abdomen for two times a day helps to reduce the temperature. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Mud also has got coding property, it can be applied in skin imitation, burning sensation of palms & fat. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
General Application:- In this form of application, mud is applied all over the body to get generalized effect. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
........to the abdomen, regulates the function of abdominal organs there by improving digestion. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
It can be applied in the form of packs or direct application to the part can be made eg:- Daily application of mud..... http://goo.gl/g0r4B
In this form of application, mud is applied to the particular part of the body to get desired effect. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
For the purpose of therapy mud can be applied in two ways:-
Local Application
General Application. http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Mud therapy is one of the best way to erase the effect of aging from the skin.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Mud therapy is one of the but way to erase the effect of aging from the skin.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
,,mud stimulates the sweat glands there by helping in elimination of toxins.http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Mud also has got many medicinal values it contain minerals like steep her, zinc etc.so it can be used for skin disease,,http://goo.gl/g0r4B
Mud is obtained from earth,when mud is applied on theBody for the purpose ofTreatment it fulfills theRequirement of earth element in ourBody
Mud Therapy:-Mud is a part of our body as human body is made up of five elements Air, Water, Earth, Fire & Space.http://goo.gl/g0r4B